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Peer-reviewed Technical Publications
ASHRAE (2018). “Residential Indoor Air Quality Guide.” RP-1663. ISBN 978-1-947192-02-7 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-947192-03-4 (PDF). ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA, June.
Rudd, Armin (2017). “Literature Review on the Performance of Residential Unvented Attics Constructed with Spray Foam in U.S. Hot‐humid Climate Zones.” Final Report submitted to American Chemistry Council, Spray Foam Coalition, Washington, DC. September 6.
Rudd, Armin and Duncan Prahl. (2014). Duct System Flammability and Air Sealing Fire Separation Assemblies in the International Residential Code. Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. IBACOS, Pittsburg, PA. December.
Rudd, Armin. (2014). “Measure Guideline: Supplemental Dehumidification in Warm-Humid Climates.” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA. October.
Rudd, Armin (2014). “Evaluation of Crawlspace Retrofits in Multifamily Buildings.” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program. September.
Rudd, Armin. (2014). “Multizone Particulate, Formaldehyde and VOC Measurements in Two Lab Houses Under Operation of Different Whole-Building Ventilation Systems,” Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, SE-14-C028. Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin. (2014). “Multizone Air Change and Airflow in Two Houses Under Operation of Different Whole-Building Ventilation Systems,” Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, SE-14-C027. Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin. (2014). “Air Leakage and Air Transfer Between Garage and Living Space.” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA. September.
Rudd, Armin and Daniel Bergey (2014). “Ventilation System Effectiveness and Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts,” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. Building Science Corporation, Wesford, MA. February.
BSC, FSEC, IBACOS (2014) “Impact of Residential Mechanical Ventilation on Energy Cost and Humidity Control” Prepared for: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, On behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building America Program Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. January.
Rudd, Armin. (2013). “Expert Meeting: Recommended Approaches to Humidity Control in High Performance Homes.” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA.
Rudd, Armin (2013). “Humidity Control in Humid Climates,” Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building America Program. Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA. April.
Henderson, Hugh I., Jr., Armin Rudd. (2013). “Energy Efficiency and Cost Assessment of Humidity Control Options for Residential Buildings (RP-1449),” Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, NY-14-013. Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin, Hugh I. Henderson, Jr., Daniel Bergey, Don B. Shirey (2013). “ASHRAE 1449-RP: Energy Efficiency and Cost Assessment of Humidity Control Options for Residential Buildings.” Research Project Final Report submitted to American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA. March.
Rudd, A., K. Ueno, D. Bergey, R. Osser. (2012), “Expert Meeting Report: Recommendations for Applying Water Heaters in Combination Space and Domestic Water Heating Systems.” Prepared for: Building America Building Technologies Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. Building Science Corporation, June.
Rudd, Armin (2012). “Combination Forced-Air Space and Tankless Domestic Hot Water Heating Systems.” Technical Report. Prepared for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program, March.
Rudd, Armin (2011). “Ventilation Guide – Fully Updated.” Building Science Press, Somerville, MA. September. ISBN-10: 0-9755127-6-5.
Rudd, Armin (2011). “Local Exhaust and Whole House Ventilation Strategies.” Measure Guideline. Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program. Building Science Corporation, Somerville, MA. February.
Townsend, A., A. Rudd, J. Lstiburek (2009). “A Calibrated Multi-Zone Airflow Model for Extension of Ventilation System Tracer Gas Testing.” ASHRAE Transactions (17, Louisville 2009). American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Townsend, A., A. Rudd, J. Lstiburek (2009). “A Method for Modifying Ventilation Airflow Rates to Achieve Equivalent Occupant Exposure.” ASHRAE Transactions (17, Louisville 2009). American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Burch, Jay, Jeff Thornton, Marc Hoeschele, Dave Springer, Armin Rudd (2009). “Preliminary Modeling, Testing and Analysis of a Gas Tankless Water Heater.” Proceedings of American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, May.
Rudd, Armin, and Joseph Lstiburek (2008). “Systems Research on Residential Ventilation.” Proceedings of the 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, California, August. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C.
Rudd, Armin, and Iain Walker (2007). “Whole House Ventilation System Options – Phase 1 Simulation Study.” Building Science Corporation, ARTI Report No. 30090-01, Final Report, March. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute, Arlington, VA.
Rudd, Armin, Hugh Henderson, Jr. (2007). “Monitored Indoor Moisture and Temperature Conditions in Humid Climate U.S. Residences.” ASHRAE Transactions (17, Dallas 2007). American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Hendron, R., A. Rudd, R. Anderson, D. Barley, E. Hancock and A. Townsend (2007). “Field test of room-to-room uniformity of ventilation air distribution in two new houses.” Proceedings of IAQ 2007, Baltimore, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Russell, Marion, Max Sherman and Armin Rudd (2007). “Review of Residential Ventilation Technologies.”HVAC&R Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, March. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Rudd, Armin. 2006. “Ventilation Guide.” Building Science Press, Westford, MA , September. ISBN-10: 0-9755127-6-5.
Rudd, Armin (2005). "Field Performance of Unvented Cathedralized (UC) Attics in the USA." Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 29, No. 2, October.
Russell, Marion, Max Sherman and Armin Rudd (2005). “Review of Residential Ventilation Technologies.” LBNL Report 57730, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley. California.
Rudd, Armin, Philip Kerrigan, Jr., and Kohta Ueno (2004). “What Will It Take To Reduce Total Residential Source Energy Use By Up To 60%?” Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, California, August. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek and Kohta Ueno (2003). “Residential dehumidification and ventilation systems research for hot-humid climates,” Proceedings of 24th AIVC and BETEC Conference, Ventilation, Humidity Control, and Energy, Washington, US, pp.355–60. 12-14 October. Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, Brussels, Belgium.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek (2001). “Clean Breathing in Production Homes.” Home Energy Magazine, May/June, Energy Auditor & Retrofiter, Inc., Berkeley, CA.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek, Kohta Ueno (2000). “Unvented-Cathedralized Attics: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going.” Proceedings of the 2000 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 23-28 August, Pacific Grove, California. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek (2000). “Measurement of Ventilation and Interzonal Distribution in Single-Family Homes.” ASHRAE Transactions 106(2):709–18, MN-00-10-3, V.106, Pt.2., American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Hodgson, A.T., A. Rudd, D. Beal and S. Chandra (2000). Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations and Emission Rates in New Manufactured and Site-Built Houses. Indoor Air 10: 178-192.
Rudd, Armin, and Joseph Lstiburek (1999). Design methodology and economic evaluation of central-fan-integrated supply ventilation systems. Indoor Air 5:25-30. Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Rudd, Armin (1999). Air distribution fan and outside air damper recycling control. Heating Air Conditioning and Refrigeration News 5(July 1999):45.
Rudd, Armin (1998). “Design/Sizing Methodology and Economic Evaluation of Central-Fan-Integrated Supply Ventilation Systems.” Proceedings of the 1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 23-28 August, Pacific Grove, California. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek (1998). “Vented and Sealed Attics In Hot Climates.” Presented at the ASHRAE Summer Annual Meeting, Attics and Cathedral Ceiling Symposium, June, Toronto, Ontario. ASHRAE Transactions TO-98-20-3. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin (1997). “Supply Ventilation Design: Outside Air Duct to Return Side of Central Fan,” Proceedings of the ‘97 Excellence in Building Conference, 5-8 November 1997. Energy Efficient Building Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek and Neil Moyer (1997). “Measurement of Attic Temperatures and Cooling Energy Use In Vented and Sealed Attics In Las Vegas, Nevada,” EEBA Excellence, The Journal Of The Energy Efficient Building Association, Spring. Energy Efficient Building Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Rudd, Armin, Joseph Lstiburek, and Neil Moyer (1996). “Measurement of Attic Temperatures and Cooling Energy Use In Vented and Sealed Attics In Las Vegas, Nevada,” Proceedings of the ‘96 Excellence in Building Conference, 14-17 November. Energy Efficient Building Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Rudd, Armin, Srinivas Katakam and Subrato Chandra (1994). “Measured and Predicted Energy Savings from an Industrialized House,” Proceedings of the ACEEE ‘94 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Aug. 28‑Sep. 3. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Pacific Grove, CA.
Rudd, Armin, Subrato Chandra (1994). “Side‑by‑Side Evaluation of a Stressed‑Skin Insulated‑Core Panel House and a Conventional Stud‑Frame House,” Proceedings of the ISCORD ‘94, The Fourth International Symposium on Cold Region Development, June 13 ‑ 16. Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland.
Rudd, Armin, Subrato Chandra (1994). "Side‑by‑Side Evaluation of a Stressed‑Skin Insulated‑Core Panel House and a Conventional Stud‑Frame House," Proceedings of the EEBA 1994 Conference on Excellence In Housing, Dallas, TX, Feb. 23‑26. Energy Efficient Building Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Rudd, Armin (1994). "Development of Moisture Storage Coatings for Enthalpy Storage Wallboard," ASHRAE Transactions: Research, Volume 100, Part 1. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin (1993). "Phase‑Change Material Wallboard for Distributed Thermal Storage in Buildings." ASHRAE Transactions: Research, Volume 99, Part 2. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Chandra, Subrato, Armin Rudd (1993). "Field Data on Energy Efficient Housing Systems and Components," Proceedings of the 5th International Energy Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 18‑22.
Rudd, Armin, Subrato Chandra and John Tooley (1993). "Measured Air‑Tightness and Thermal Insulation Quality of Eleven Industrialized Houses," Proceedings of the 1993 EEBA/NESEA Conference on Building Solutions, Boston, MA, March 3‑6. Energy Efficient Building Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Sonne, Jeff, Robin Vieira and Armin Rudd (1993). "Limiting Solar Radiation Effects on Outdoor Air Temperature Measurement," ASHRAE Transactions. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Rudd, Armin (1990). "Description of an Indoor Test Facility for Evaluating a Roof Integrated Cooling Concept," Proceedings of the ASME 1990 International Solar Energy Conference, Miami, FL, April. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Rudd, Armin (1989). "Discussion of Active Solar Cooling Alternatives." Proceedings of the ASES Solar 1989 Annual Conference, Denver, CO, June 19‑23. American Solar Energy Society.
Swami, Muthusamy, Armin Rudd and Philip Fairey (1989). "Development and Experimental Validation of a DESRAD Cooling Model," Proceedings of the ASHRAE/DOE/BETEC Conference on Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings IV, Orlando, FL, December. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Research Reports, Primary Author
Rudd, Armin (2015). “Residential Exhaust Makeup Air: Explanations and Solutions.” White Paper submitted to Systemair, Lexana, KS. June 24.
Rudd, Armin, Duncan Prahl, Ari Rapport (2015). “Summary of Technical Support Activities for Industry Engagement for Codes and Standards Related to Ducts and Fire Separation Walls.” Submitted by IBACOS to National Renewable Energy Laboratory on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building America Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. August.
Rudd, Armin (2013). “Residential Kitchen and Bathroom Ventilation as Compared to the Whole House.” White Paper prepared for Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA), Reston, VA. September 21.
Rudd, A., H. Feldman (2007). “Introducing the market to high-performance green building on Hilton Head Island.” Journal/Conference Paper submitted to Midwest Research Institute/NREL/USDOE, Golden, CO, under contract no. KAAX-3-32443-10.
Rudd, Armin (2007). “Enhanced Dehumidifying Air Conditioning,” Results Of Advanced Systems Research, Project 1, 14.B.1 Final Report to U.S. Dept. of Energy under Task Order number KAAX-3-32443-14. Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO.
Rudd, Armin (2006). “Enhanced Dehumidifying Air Conditioner,“ Results Of Advanced System Research, Project 6, 11.B.1 Final Report to U.S. Dept. of Energy under Task Order number KAAX-3-32443-10. Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO. December.
Rudd, Armin (2005). “Advanced Central Cooling System with Dehumidification Mode,” 8.C.1 Final Report to U.S. Dept. of Energy under Task Order number KAAX-3-32443-08. Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. November.
Rudd, Armin, J. Lstiburek, and K. Ueno (2005). “Residential dehumidification systems research for hot-humid climates.” U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, NREL/SR-550-36643. (
Rudd, Armin (2004). “Supplemental Humidity Control Systems.” Results of Advanced Systems Research, Project 3, pgs. 8-10, 5.C.1 Final Report to U.S. Dept. of Energy under Task Order number KAAX-3-32443-05. Midwest Research Institute/National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. 29 October.
Rudd, Armin (2004). “Unvented-Cathedralized, Conditioned Attics: A Comprehensive Update.” Technical Paper under contract to U.S. Dept. of Energy, Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. 15 June.
Rudd, Armin (2002). “Advanced System Performance Dehumidification Project: Final Technical Paper.” Subcontract No. ADC-1-30469-00, Deliverable 11, Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Division, Golden, CO. 31-October.
Rudd, Armin, (1999). “Testing and Monitoring of the READ project House, East Lansing, Michigan.” Contract Report submitted to U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., February. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC-CR-1065-99.
Rudd, Armin (1998). “Testing Report: Plains, GA Habitat/SIPA/APA Project,” Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, June.
Rudd, Armin (1998). “Testing Report: Seattle Healthy House ‘97,” Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, April.
Rudd, Armin (1998). “Testing Report: Dallas Health House ‘97,” Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, January.
Rudd, Armin (1997). “Testing Report: Structural Insulated Panel Houses at the Coquille Indian Reservation,” Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, October.
Rudd, Armin (1997). “Supply Ventilation System Design: Outside Air Duct To Return Side Of Central Fan.” Contract Report submitted to U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., October. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC-CR-958-97.
Rudd, Armin (1996). “Vented and Sealed Attics in Hot Climates,” Contract Report submitted to Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA, and the U. S. Department of Energy, 30 October. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC-CR-911-96.
Rudd, Armin, K. Subbarao, M. Swami, C. E. Hancock (1996). “Development of Cooling Season Short-Term Energy Monitoring,” Contract Report submitted to U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., 17 October. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC-CR-907-96.
Rudd, Armin, S. Chandra (1995). “Review of ‘Strategic Plan: Requirements for Development of Advanced Residential Building Systems,’” Contract Report submitted to Building Science Corporation, Chestnut Hill, MA, FSEC-CR-801-95.
Rudd, Armin, E. Hilaski (1995). “Comparison of 1993 Florida Energy Code for Residential Buildings to 1993 CABO Model Energy Code for Residential Buildings,” Contract Report submitted to Florida Department Of Community Affairs, 10 April. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑780‑95.
Rudd, Armin, A. Hodgson, N. Moyer, S. Chandra (1994). “IBACOS Testing Report,” Joint Contract Report with Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory submitted to U. S. Department of Energy, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑707‑94.
Rudd, Armin, S. Chandra, (1994). "Side‑by‑Side Evaluation of a Stressed‑Skin Insulated‑Core Panel House and a Conventional Stud‑Frame House," Contract Report submitted to U.S. Department of Energy. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑664‑93.
Rudd, Armin, E. Hilaski, (1993). “Residential Energy Code Review," Contract Report submitted to Florida Department of Community Affairs. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑673‑93.
Rudd, Armin, L. Demetrius, J. Dunlop, W. Young (1993). “System Specification for the Taiwan TACTS Energy System,” Contract Report submitted to Naval Warfare Assessment Center, U. S. Navy. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑648‑93.
Dunlop, James, Armin Rudd, Ramu Swamy, Donald Metzger (1992). "Evaluation of the Solar Pal PV-Powered Lighting System - First Quarterly Report." FSEC contract report number 548-92.
Research Reports, Contributing Author
Florida Solar Energy Center, University of Central Florida, 1997. “Program Summary of FY 97 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Dept. Of Energy.
Center for Housing Innovation, Florida Solar Energy Center, Univ. Of Central Florida. 1996. "Program Summary of FY 95 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Dept. Of Energy. Univ. Of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Center for Housing Innovation, Florida Solar Energy Center, Univ. Of Central Florida. 1995. "Program Summary of FY 94 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Dept. Of Energy. Univ. Of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Center for Housing Innovation, Florida Solar Energy Center, Univ. Of Central Florida. 1994. "Program Summary of FY 93 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Dept. Of Energy. Univ. Of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Center for Housing Innovation, Florida Solar Energy Center, Univ. Of Central Florida, 1993. "Program Summary of FY 92 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program." Contract Report submitted to U. S. Dept. Of Energy. University Of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Center for Housing Innovation, Florida Solar Energy Center, Univ. Of Central Florida, 1992. "Program Summary of FY 91 Research Activities for Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing Research Program," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Deptartment Of Energy. University Of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Dunlop, J., A. Rudd, R. Swamy, D. Metzger, 1992. "Evaluation of the Solar Pal PV‑Powered Lighting System‑First Quarterly Report," Contract Report submitted to Florida Power and Light Company. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑548‑92.
Chandra, S., Swami, M., Rudd, A., Fairey, P., Beal, D., Kerestecioglu, A., 1989. "Solar Cooling Research Project: Second Year (1988) Final Report," Contract Report submitted toU. S. Department Of Energy. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑255‑89.
Swami, M., A. Rudd, P. Fairey, S. Patil, A. Kerestecioglu, S. Chandra, 1988. "An Assessment of the Desiccant Enhanced Radiant (DESRAD) Cooling Concept and a Description of the Diurnal Test Facility," Contract Report submitted to U. S. Department Of Energy, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, FSEC‑CR‑237‑88.
Florida Solar Energy Center, Center for Housing Innovation, Univ. Of Central Florida, 1991. "Process and Energy Efficiency Review: Acorn Structures, Inc., Acton, MA," December. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL.
Florida Solar Energy Center, Center for Housing Innovation, Univ. Of Central Florida, 1992. "Process and Energy Efficiency Review: Premier Building Systems, Inc., Kent, WA," May. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL.
Florida Solar Energy Center, Center for Housing Innovation, Univ. Of Central Florida, 1992. "Process and Energy Efficiency Review: Regional Building Systems, Inc., Columbia, MD," August. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL.
Design Manuals/Guides
Rudd, Armin (2011). “Ventilation Guide – Fully Updated.” Building Science Press (, Somerville, MA. September. ISBN-10: 0-9755127-6-5.
Rudd, Armin (2006). “Ventilation Guide.” Building Science Press (, Westford, MA. September. ISBN-10: 0-9755127-6-5.
Bobenhausen, William, Rudd, Armin (1986). "The Optimum House: Recommendations and Economics For Residential Design and Energy Conservation From Maine To Virginia," Energy Design Collaborative, Inc., Scarsdale, NY.
Media Publications or Recognition (reverse chronological)
- 2008-06. Energy Design Update, “On Furnace Manufacturers’ Return-Air Temperature Limits.”
- 2007-09. Energy Design Update, “Ventilation Guide.”
- 2003-01. Energy Design Update, “Houston Study Looks at Dehumidification Options,” and “Sunlight Drives Moisture Through Asphalt Shingles”
- 2001-02. Energy Design Update, “Measuring the real cost of ventilation.”
- 2001-01. Energy Design Update, “New AirCycler: A Big Plus for Combo Systems.”
- 2000-01. Energy Design Update. “FanRecycler gets a new name look and features.”
- 1999-07-05. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News, Patents, “Air Distribution Fan And Outside Air Damper Recycling Control,” pg. 45.
- 1999-03. Energy Design Update, “Florida Builder Packs His Houses Full Of Innovation,” pp.7-8.
- 1999-02. Energy Design Update, “Ventilation System Decision Flow Chart,” pp. 16.
- 1998-09-28. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News, “Fan recycling control offers improved indoor air and comfort for tight houses,” pp. 30-33.
- 1998-09-14. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News, “What’s New: Blower Control,” pp. 24.
- 1998-10. Builder, “Resources: HVAC Electronic Control,” pp. 296.
- 1998-09. Energy Design Update, “Computer Simulations Look Good for “Cathedralized” Attics,” pp. 6-10.
- 1998-07. The Home Front News, “My Favorite New Product.”
- 1998-06. Concrete Home News, “New $50 Device Controls Ventilation.”
- 1998-05/06. Environmental Design and Construction, “New HVAC Products.” pp. 41.
- 1998-01. Builder, “Space Shot Building Products: In Orbit – FanRecycler.” pp. 330.
- 1998-01. Builder, “Space Shot Building Products: Steel studs with thermal breaks,” pp. 324.
- 1997-12. Solar Collector, “Smart box a boon to indoor air quality.” pp. 3.
- 1997-12. Energy and Housing Report, “FSEC Develops FanRecycler,” pp. 206.
- 1997-09. Energy Design Update, “Controller Improves the Efficiency of Furnace-Based Ventilation Systems,” pp. 15.
- 1997-08/09. New Building Products, “Low-Cost Ventilation System,” Vol. 3 No. 5, pp. 2.
- 1997. Nisson, J.D. Ned, Don Best. “Steel Framing for Houses,” pp. 47-48, Cutter Information Corp., Arlington, MA.
- The Building Systems Magazine, of the National Association of Homebuilders, regularly features a one-half-page add for the Structural Insulated Panel Association which prominently sites a direct quote from Armin Rudd’s research report on the 1993 side-by-side testing in Louisville, KY.
- 1994-04. Popular Science, “Home Technology, Building Technology: The Panels Prevail,” by Judith Anne Gunther.
- 1994-02. The DSM Letter, “New Technology: Insulated Panels Could Challenge Fiberglass Batts In Residential Market,” pp.5.
- 1993-11. Progressive Architecture, “Technics Focus: Building With Panels,” by Steven Winter, pp. 88-90
- 1993-03. Energy and Housing Report, “Side-By-Side Tests.”
- 1993-01. Energy Design Update, “Most Practical Research of the Month Award: Foam Core vs. “Stick Built”—Side-by-Side Tests.”
- 1990-07-09. Insight, “Solar Air Conditioner May Offer Efficiency,” pp. 47.
- 1990-04. Energy and Housing Report, “Solar Cooling System Holds Promise for Energy Conservation,” pp. 4-5.
- 1989-09. Popular Science, “New light on solar cooling,” pp. 24,27.
Rudd, Armin (2011). United States Patent Number 8,096,481. “Ventilation System Control.” Issued 1/17/2012.
Rudd, Armin (2010). United States Patent Number 7,798,418. “Ventilation System Control.” Issued 9/21/2010.
Rudd, Armin (2003). United States Patent Number 6,516,584. “Additional Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members for Residential and Light Commercial Construction (Stud andTrack, U-pocket).” Issued 2/11/2003.
Rudd, Armin (2002). United States Patent Number 6,431,268, “Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Recycling Control.” Issued 8/13/2002.
Rudd, Armin (2002). United States Patent Number 6,412,248, “Additional Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members for Residential and Light Commercial Construction (Stud, P-shape).” Issued 7/2/2002.
Rudd, Armin (2001). United States Patent Number 6,250,042, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction (Stud, U-shape).” Issued 06/26/2001.
Rudd, Armin (2000). United States Patent Number 6,134,859, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction (Stud, C-shape).” Issued 10/24/2000.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,881,806 , “Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Recycling Control.” Issued 16-March-1999. Also Canadian Patent number 2,245,135 issued 8/14/2001.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,921,054, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction (Track, L-shape).” Issued 7/13/1999.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,881,529, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction. (Joist/Rafter/Header, balanced Y-shape)” Issued 3/15/1999.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,875,605, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction (Stud, balanced Y-shape).” Issued 3/2/1999.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,875,604, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction. (Stud, offset Y-shape).” Issued 3/2/1999.
Rudd, Armin (1999). United States Patent Number 5,875,603, “Metal and Wood Composite Framing Members For Residential And Light Commercial Construction (Joist Band).” Issued 3/2/1999.
Rudd, Armin (1996). United States Patent Number 5,547,017, “Air Distribution Fan Recycling Control.” Issued 8/20/1996.
Instructional Video Links
HVAC and Ducts: Armin Rudd - Part 1 (uploaded 2011-02-08)
HVAC and Ducts: Armin Rudd - Part 2 (uploaded 2011-02-08)
HVAC and Ducts: Armin Rudd - Part 3 (uploaded 2011-02-08)
HVAC and Ducts: Armin Rudd - Part 4 (uploaded 2011-02-08)
HVAC and Ducts: Armin Rudd - Part 5 (uploaded 2011-02-08)